1 My uncle almost died, I don't have the details yet but aparently it was a workrelated accident. He is still among us and i am happy for that, I really am. I am extreemly proud of my family, I want you all to know this, no matter what they have done of their lives or will do of them I bellive it will be for the right reasons, or atleast the right reasons to them. I wont say I allways agree with them, cause I honestly don't but that doesn't matter. As long as they can say they did what they bellive in, and know when to say they were wrong they live up to my praise. I want this said in light of what happened today, I want them all to know that I am proud, imensly so, and that I love them, for who they are.

2 I could so easily fall for this dear friend of mine, and I mean easily. I adore her as my friend she is really cool, and she gets where I come from most of the time, she is fuckin
gorgeous and she doesn't know it. I love her as my friend and I feel that I can trust her. you see all the good things here? bad things? well she lives in an other freaking country, I haven't really meet her and did I mention she is straight? Big valid bad things, still my heart wants me to let it go and I'm so scared i'll give in one day and that my heart will get broken. I don't want that I want her to be my friend, I want no I need her to talk to her, I email her when i'm not on msn.
gorgeous and she doesn't know it. I love her as my friend and I feel that I can trust her. you see all the good things here? bad things? well she lives in an other freaking country, I haven't really meet her and did I mention she is straight? Big valid bad things, still my heart wants me to let it go and I'm so scared i'll give in one day and that my heart will get broken. I don't want that I want her to be my friend, I want no I need her to talk to her, I email her when i'm not on msn.
I miss her when i haven't talked to her in a while... you can tell by the sound of this how close it is.... so what sould I do? i dunno... cutie tell me what you think?

on a lighter note let me tell you the story about the bight orange hair of mine, my hairdresser messed up so my hair is a mess, and i need to go back tomorrow and fix it, but I do have a pic the light is off so you can't rally see how bad it was but it is still pretty neat

I also have done my christmassly duty and made gingerbreads! Christmas is comming and i think we'll be done in time
In my ears http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5HA-QFLJzg
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