fredag 27 augusti 2010
OMG what is this?
this time of year I collect material for my work, mainly by long midnight walks and siting in random places taking notes and photos collecting in preparation of the year that is aproaching. I'm taking ATLEAST 3 writing classes this fall so we'll see I'll be busy busy that is for sure
Take care all
who knows what this means? 6277
in my ears
the best version of this song ever!
måndag 10 maj 2010
Brev till någon
om du läser det här vet du vem du är, och det finns en del saker jag är för artig för att säga till dig personligen.
NEJ! det bara blev inte så. om man helt struntar i allt vad säkerhet hetter så har man gjort FEL och det bara blev så oops är inte en godtagbar ursäkt.
NEJ olydiga djur är inte alfa djur bara för att det är en lätt förklaring, faktum är att jag VET att dina djur inte är alfa, om de vore de varför lägger de sig och låter vem som helst ta ledarskapet du har missat att ta?
NEJ det finns inga magiska lösningar, man måste ibland se sanningen i vitögat och ro fan i land om han har stigit ombord.
Jag tycker inte synd om dig för ditt trasiga liv, för det är du som vuxen mäniska och förälder som har dragit på dig de flesta av dina bekymmer, jag tycker synd om dina barn som inte har något val annat än att hänga på, dina djur som inte har någon talan, din häst som du inte ser fast hon står brevid dig.
Mitt råd till dig är att öppna ögonen och se vad som finns här och nu, inte vad som kommer finnas sen i någon luddig framtid.
En karl är ingen lösning på problemen, du måste fixa själv
Att flytta kommer inte att fixa allt som är jobbigt snarrare tvärt om.
Jag hoppas att du kommer få ett bra liv på nästa plats, för dina barn och djurs skull.
tisdag 27 april 2010
Cairdeas go síorai
now what is most important to ou what your heart says or what you think you see?
in my ears
onsdag 21 april 2010
mötet på tågstationen
möte i en hiss
måndag 19 april 2010
Info and stuff
lots of love to all of you, stay strong and keep your spirits up, no matter what keep your heart true and pursue your dreams.
in my ears
SkrivPuff Rosa
- Nej tack, Kanske en annan gång.
Han ryckte på axlarna och lämnade henne stående vid det höga mingelbordet, Han gick genom folkhopen som rytmiskt dansade till musiken. När han försvunnit utom synhåll visste hon inte villken framtid hon just nobbat, då hon inte kunde se förbi sina egna fördomar. Om de nu var fördomar
tisdag 23 mars 2010
a thousand to one and a million to two
in my ears
Vox populi
måndag 22 mars 2010
the wicked twists of life and what i think about them
I have turned the respectable age of 23 and recived the single best pressent so far, a tripp to see 30STM from Anna who is now a UK recident. I wish her the best of luck, she will be one of the most important people in my life even if she moves to the moon and I never see her again so the UK isn't that far away....
The 30STM show was brilliant I was hyped on adrenaline for hours after and it is to date one of the best things I've done.
I have recently gotten half a horse and a million of books, and i'm seriously considering going back to uni as a litterature major.
on a lot sader note I found out on my birthday that my aunt has a brain tumor, they think it will be alright but we really don't know anything yet, that is a illness i really don't trust. She'll be in my thoughts for a long while ahead.
About the horse, his name is Thor and he is black and gorgeous i'll try to get a pic to share with you guys ASAP.
i'm feeling more centered than before and it is like i have a confidence to i didn't have before I also have more Ideas before and i suspect you all will hear from Goxes, Hashuri and Mansei soon among others since they are major players in one of my projects, an other project is on a boat and i'm writting a little on it each day.
Love hard stay safe and take these words with you
"The less you bet the more you lose when you win"
in my ears
heart on my sleeve
lördag 2 januari 2010
life and death to young for it all

others die in freak acidents like Brandon lee that was shot at the set of the first crow movie.

there is active suicide like that of Jonathan Brandis a young man that could have come a long way.
or not as active suicide by various adictions one of those men are Glenn Quinn.
I admired all these men but for different reasons. some died before I really knew much about them others while I was aware. It hurts my soul to see young lives shut down like that but it makes me resolute as well it makes me want to succed and reach my dreams, so that somehow they have achived that by their death, they inspired someone to a great length. I would Love to talk to them especially Jonathan and Glenn that died by their own hand, I wish I had been a friend of theirs so that i cold atleast know I did what I could. I hope I wont have to bury any friends, but if I will have to I hope I have done all I can for them, sometimes there is just nothing that really helps, I just hope that wont happen anytime soon.
with this said, remeber this I LOVE YOU and that nothing is trivial, everything matters no matter how small, and each second could be the last so make sure you are happy with how you lived it.
in my ears
Lyke Walk dirge
fredag 1 januari 2010
first day of the year
i was gonna post this blogg about the past decade but since blogger goes dead when i try leave me a line i'll give it to you.
how did you start your new year? I lived by my thought to live for the moment and jumped off a roof. Yes, I mean that. I shoveled snow off of Annas houses roof and after I jumped it was funny and I hae no regrets. don't need any. Now after shovling snow for hours we're heading for the sauna and then we're watching tv or a movie just relaxing. probably talk to some people cause you know it is fun. I'm drawing some charcoals too :D
got any resolutions this year? mine is normaly to not have any, but this year I wove to live full out everyday!
it is 10 years since we celebrated the start this millenium do you still remember what you did then?
I've fixed the comment malfuncion so feel free to drop a note
in my ears