the year ends in about 25.5 hours and since we are getting a new start with the new year here is some tips to keep the earth a happier place
use less toiletpaper. silly but true it will save trees and make it harder to clogg up the damn thing
take a long walk everyday this will make your body get the oxygen you need, make you have more energy and if you combine it with running your erands you will save us the carbit you're driving.
eat green! more veggies will not only make you feel better but it will also make there be a bigger sortiment and you will find more favorites. this doesn't mean ekological only or become a vegetarian, just use your head, you know what is good for you. most of the dishes you know and love you can make with less protein and make it taste the same or better.
plan ahead. this will make you stress less and have more time for the things you really like.
read the newspaper online, again it saves the trees
donate money to some charity this will help the world and you will feel great about dong something about the problems, not just being a part of them.
seize the day. enjoy the time you are here precious little things enjoy them, wou will never know when it all ends.
make only one resolution, and make it a good one, don't the old lose weight or stop smoking thing make it one about experience even if it is to dare to go on a rollercoaster for the first time do that, see a consert, go shoping, ditch class something that you will look back and be happy you did.

onsdag 30 december 2009
söndag 20 december 2009

my hair is now remade as you can see, after the odd 6 hours in a hairdresers chair... I've looked kinda funny during the process got some shots of that too, there will be two bloggs up this year that i am sure of, one for christmas and a special at new years eve about the past decade.

For the moment i'm doing the dishes (the dishwasher is) and my brothers have gotten this years christmas tree. beside that I draw, I'll give you an example at a later blog, might do one with just stuff i doodled down. If you have a pic of someone that is pretty I'd love to get a link for it as i'm going a thousand and one charcoal pictures.
My middle brother offered me an intresting insight today one of my pics sucks majorly, and i was being frustrated over it, then he asks me "have you thought of that you might not be done with it yet? so I might work it some more, if it gets over worked it wont matter anny way.
So til then HAPPY 4th ADVENT! take care and make sure you have a nice hollieday.
In my ears (song starts a good 30-40 secs in)
fredag 18 december 2009
matters of the heart and soul
Today I found out a few things i didn't want to find out and I have tried not to think of for a long while

1 My uncle almost died, I don't have the details yet but aparently it was a workrelated accident. He is still among us and i am happy for that, I really am. I am extreemly proud of my family, I want you all to know this, no matter what they have done of their lives or will do of them I bellive it will be for the right reasons, or atleast the right reasons to them. I wont say I allways agree with them, cause I honestly don't but that doesn't matter. As long as they can say they did what they bellive in, and know when to say they were wrong they live up to my praise. I want this said in light of what happened today, I want them all to know that I am proud, imensly so, and that I love them, for who they are.

2 I could so easily fall for this dear friend of mine, and I mean easily. I adore her as my friend she is really cool, and she gets where I come from most of the time, she is fuckin
gorgeous and she doesn't know it. I love her as my friend and I feel that I can trust her. you see all the good things here? bad things? well she lives in an other freaking country, I haven't really meet her and did I mention she is straight? Big valid bad things, still my heart wants me to let it go and I'm so scared i'll give in one day and that my heart will get broken. I don't want that I want her to be my friend, I want no I need her to talk to her, I email her when i'm not on msn.
gorgeous and she doesn't know it. I love her as my friend and I feel that I can trust her. you see all the good things here? bad things? well she lives in an other freaking country, I haven't really meet her and did I mention she is straight? Big valid bad things, still my heart wants me to let it go and I'm so scared i'll give in one day and that my heart will get broken. I don't want that I want her to be my friend, I want no I need her to talk to her, I email her when i'm not on msn.
I miss her when i haven't talked to her in a while... you can tell by the sound of this how close it is.... so what sould I do? i dunno... cutie tell me what you think?

on a lighter note let me tell you the story about the bight orange hair of mine, my hairdresser messed up so my hair is a mess, and i need to go back tomorrow and fix it, but I do have a pic the light is off so you can't rally see how bad it was but it is still pretty neat

I also have done my christmassly duty and made gingerbreads! Christmas is comming and i think we'll be done in time
In my ears
fredag 11 december 2009
oooooooo lookielooo

So i'm currently in the process of finishing up a book and a colection of poetry, the later is in dire need of ilustarions i'm working on that.... i'm also working fullstop, and taking german classes in school, and making christmas at mums... her husband is in a cast gain and wont work for month, i hope i survive christmas cause i'm seriously not looking forward to be there when he gets cranky... although mum says she'll kick him out if he wont behave himself towards all of us kids, thankfully i'm among that else i'd be screwed for real....
nothing much is going on elseways, my fridge defrosted itself even though it can't i freaked out but it solved it self.
GO BUY "THIS IS WAR"!!!!!! I'm on it and it is a GREAT record really the best of the year, and with those that got out this year that i love that says a lot, i'm really proud to be a part of it.

in my ears
måndag 2 november 2009
on the run
have started a new blogg about writting, it is in swedish but all tips is awailable in english as well so let me know if you want me to start posting in both! else go check it out
in is not the complete truth but i think it will be fun
in is not the complete truth but i think it will be fun
tisdag 22 september 2009
just a update
so i'm just updating now, short and sweet, i'm in a movie project by Teaterföreningen Bröt, so i don't have a lot of free time but with the free time i have i'm going to stockholm to see cb in 16 days. i'm staying at my friend thers place it will be a lot of fun i'm sure :D it usually is.
side note for all that care
BKs new hair

I personally like it tell me what you think and while you're at it go see the vid for automatic and tell me what you think of that.
In my ears
lördag 12 september 2009
been out on the boat today it has been awsome, but now i'm kinda tired :) been walking a lot i used my stepcounter and i've taken 4668 steps after 1420 today.... tomorrow i'm talking a walk of 10000 steps and end it in a pool.... :D unless i feel awful, i better not
i don't know what else to say.... i've been sick for a while now but it is getting better...
in my ears
the song starts at 1.50
i don't know what else to say.... i've been sick for a while now but it is getting better...
in my ears
the song starts at 1.50
lördag 5 september 2009
horses photossesh pizza and anna
so today Loppan was sold, she is getting a new home that is good she will be a mom :) and i'm happy for her
I and Anna had a photosession today amongst things i climbed up on a logg in the river in a dress, so far the pics look amazing but i'll know more when anna has 'shoped them and sent them to me :)
todays dinner on popular demand PIZZA!!!! it was nummy now the question is what to do with the rest of it....
Anna is here this weekend poor her and i got like the worst cold so far this year i am taking coughing medecin and painkillers... we're having fun though and the word of the day is.... *drumroll* Boobies!!!!!!!!
"everything is alright with enough vodka"
find the quote! guess the movie!
pics will be up later
I and Anna had a photosession today amongst things i climbed up on a logg in the river in a dress, so far the pics look amazing but i'll know more when anna has 'shoped them and sent them to me :)
todays dinner on popular demand PIZZA!!!! it was nummy now the question is what to do with the rest of it....
Anna is here this weekend poor her and i got like the worst cold so far this year i am taking coughing medecin and painkillers... we're having fun though and the word of the day is.... *drumroll* Boobies!!!!!!!!
"everything is alright with enough vodka"
find the quote! guess the movie!
pics will be up later
måndag 24 augusti 2009
new and improved?
so i suppose i'm new and improved i got my economy under controll, i work soooooooo much i'm sad that i can't ride Loppan but i think it is for the best... so further i am gonna see cb and i really wanna see greenday but i don't think i can afford it.... anyway Tazotz told me i am pretty so thanks to her here is me!!!!

so what do you think??? i'm gonna improve the color though.... make the tips black...
in my ears right now is this great song listen to the lyrics even if it is not your style
onsdag 12 augusti 2009
what ever
i dunno if anyone will read this... i'm not sure it matters, really... i feel horrible rightnow i wish i could cry, but i can't... my insides are choking me, in the emotional sense of the word. i'm just so tired of everything... i constantly worry about my friends it is even worse over those i call family my body hurt everywhere and i'm gaining weight and i have to work, study the stable, my apartment, my cats... i feel like dying could be a good option... but it isn't and i'm still optionless so i chose to share it with the world... but right now... i can't sleep but i'm dead tired, and i wish above all else to have someone to hold me let me sleep in their arms and kiss my tears away.... i wish i could cry... i think i'm gonna have another emotional breakdown, second in less than a week... help me? save me? love me? i don't know but please please make this go away...
wet wet wet
it has been raining now pretty much nonstop since last night. i love it the air is clear and it isn't a thousand degrees outside so i can air out the apartment geting some cool air in...
here autum has arriwed it is dark at night so this is the view from my window
i also cleaned out the apartment but there wasn't a lot to clean.... i ate lunch at my fav caffe in town, it is pretty both inside and out, just wish they would serve homemeade icetea cause then it would be damn near perfect :)
måndag 10 augusti 2009
begingin of the end or the beginging of someting new?
so i'm currently typing up some schoolwork an needed a break, in my weird mind this one question pops out like a firehydrant on crack is change really the begining of the end or the beginging of someting new?
i firmly bellive that change is the only thing constant in life, so i see it as something we should aprove of atleast a little:)
so for those that hate where they've gotten to i can only ask why? how did you end up there? what changed? find it and change it back, but know this,nothing will ever be as it was, and every change is part of making you into the person you are menat to be. so be stick in there maybe the new school, job or what ever is worth a chance, maybe your new bf/gf just needs a little time to open up maybe you and your friend needs some time to get to that common ground again. i don't know, but what ido know is that sometimes you need to listen to reason, and it will suck, sometimes you will hate the person that carries the truth because it will hurt too much to see it that way. suck it up, deal with the pain, you can't live in a box forever nor can you protect the world by your self.
if you are fashionable you wont eat meat, see tv or use the comp, so then you will never read this cause you're saving the planet from heating up, FUCK that. i say eat whatever, the animals didn't suffer to end up on your plate 95% of the time, and watch tv and/or use the comp but do so with moderation, problem is solved. and congrats on reading this far:)
that is all really think about it and it will make sense
in my ears
i firmly bellive that change is the only thing constant in life, so i see it as something we should aprove of atleast a little:)
so for those that hate where they've gotten to i can only ask why? how did you end up there? what changed? find it and change it back, but know this,nothing will ever be as it was, and every change is part of making you into the person you are menat to be. so be stick in there maybe the new school, job or what ever is worth a chance, maybe your new bf/gf just needs a little time to open up maybe you and your friend needs some time to get to that common ground again. i don't know, but what ido know is that sometimes you need to listen to reason, and it will suck, sometimes you will hate the person that carries the truth because it will hurt too much to see it that way. suck it up, deal with the pain, you can't live in a box forever nor can you protect the world by your self.
if you are fashionable you wont eat meat, see tv or use the comp, so then you will never read this cause you're saving the planet from heating up, FUCK that. i say eat whatever, the animals didn't suffer to end up on your plate 95% of the time, and watch tv and/or use the comp but do so with moderation, problem is solved. and congrats on reading this far:)
that is all really think about it and it will make sense
in my ears
söndag 9 augusti 2009
affer the weekend
so it is now after the weekend, it was actually ok, my dad was nicer than normal and i didn't get to bullied. my cool cousin was there, she is kinda emo now adays but what ever, i don't judge a book by the cover neither do i judge her by the black. she has good taste and is cool, although she is a lot younger than me and we really don't have the same experiences. i'm sad to say that her father has had a lot of succes in his life, mostly in the ways my own father has failed, it is delightful to see that family, but this makes the flaws in my own vedry obvious. ofcourse nothing is rose red though i mean duh... then the family of my stepmother brother makes our own flaws seem smal at times, so yeah. the crowd that gathered for the anuall crayfishing party was the usuall or rather a part of the usuall.... however it was a good night, and we had a lot of fun, i was drunk yes, then i allways am. i got to talk to anna and FUCK i miss her, i'm gonna kidnap her!!!!
so love you all...
in my ears
so love you all...
in my ears
tisdag 4 augusti 2009
so lets talk about music. in the end music is essential to make me tick, a different bass beat will make me move differently, a cerain riff of a guitar will arch my back, a set of drums will change my thinking.. i like all music really pop, hipop, punk, classic, but i listen mostly to rock and alternative rock. i have a smaller issue with jazz as it can sometimes be to much to keep track of... that said i don't have a fav band but i like loads, rec me something you like and i will listen and enjoy :)
lördag 1 augusti 2009
someone wanna borrow me 10 000? i need to buy a horse i think... i'm geting sad just thinking about it but they ar gonna sell Loppan i don't think i'll be here anymore if they do... cause the reasons to why is bullshit and not knowing stuff... can i cry?
torsdag 30 juli 2009
hi and welcome
so i say hi to you all, this is my first blog here, so i suppose i should give you all some basic stats, so here they are, remember if you ever wanna know something about me just ask and i'll tell you i'm a girl, i'm 22 (born 87) i live in sweden so yes i do ocationally blog in swedish too my real name is malin but i'm called cricket, dragon, loads of things so take your pick, i'm short and a red head i love music, and when i gain the money i'm gonna open a recordstore/ music caffee until then i work baking bread and i study marketing fulltime. my current fav movie is SWAT but that changes every other week.
i've been asked about 6 times the last two days for the way to different places around town, means only one things, town is full of tourists, which is unusual
in my ears: from yesterday by 30stm
i've been asked about 6 times the last two days for the way to different places around town, means only one things, town is full of tourists, which is unusual
in my ears: from yesterday by 30stm
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