tisdag 22 september 2009

just a update

so i'm just updating now, short and sweet, i'm in a movie project by Teaterföreningen Bröt, so i don't have a lot of free time but with the free time i have i'm going to stockholm to see cb in 16 days. i'm staying at my friend thers place it will be a lot of fun i'm sure :D it usually is.

side note for all that care

BKs new hair
I personally like it tell me what you think and while you're at it go see the vid for automatic and tell me what you think of that.
In my ears

lördag 12 september 2009


been out on the boat today it has been awsome, but now i'm kinda tired :) been walking a lot i used my stepcounter and i've taken 4668 steps after 1420 today.... tomorrow i'm talking a walk of 10000 steps and end it in a pool.... :D unless i feel awful, i better not
i don't know what else to say.... i've been sick for a while now but it is getting better...

in my ears
the song starts at 1.50

lördag 5 september 2009

horses photossesh pizza and anna

so today Loppan was sold, she is getting a new home that is good she will be a mom :) and i'm happy for her
I and Anna had a photosession today amongst things i climbed up on a logg in the river in a dress, so far the pics look amazing but i'll know more when anna has 'shoped them and sent them to me :)
todays dinner on popular demand PIZZA!!!! it was nummy now the question is what to do with the rest of it....
Anna is here this weekend poor her and i got like the worst cold so far this year i am taking coughing medecin and painkillers... we're having fun though and the word of the day is.... *drumroll* Boobies!!!!!!!!

"everything is alright with enough vodka"

find the quote! guess the movie!

pics will be up later